Free Stock PhotographyWriten by Peter Emerson
The term free stock photographs does not mean that the photograph or images are free by default. Royalty free stock photography means a customer pays fees only once for a photograph. They dont have to pay every time they need to use it. A free stock photograph can be used as many times and as long as the customer wishes. However, the copyright remains with the photographer who owns the photograph. When a customer buys free stock photograph, it is theirs to use, but they cannot sell it.
If a customer wants to use royalty free stock photographs on their website, they must make sure that their license permits the right of publication of the image. Many royalty free stock photographs are sold under the license for printing or electronic use only. These photographs are becoming more and more popular and are available on many websites and CDs. The main drawback of free stock photographs is images can be purchased by anyone and used multiple times. A potential buyer has no way of knowing whether someone else is using the image.
Generally, fees for royalty free stock photographs depend on size and not on usage. A copyright holder can sell a photograph to anyone. However, is a customer is looking for a unique, one-of-a-kind image for a corporate campaign, etc., and then is wiser to hire a professional photographer? The difference between stock photographs and royalty free stock photographs is that a stock photograph can be used only once after licensing. If a customer wants to use it again, he needs another license. Royalty free stock photographs can be used many times over a long period of time.
Stock Photography provides detailed information on Stock Photography, Free Stock Photography, Digital Stock Photography, Nature Stock Photography and more. Stock Photography is affiliated with Black and White Photographs.